A n o t h e r F u c k i n' T r i P for the Ukonx Party 14.15.16 APRIL 00 Vesoul - FRANCE -install-------------------------------------^^^^ Just copy the chunkyppc.library & powerpc.library to your libs directory. -requirement---------------------------------^^^^ This demo use the PowerPC axeleration + 40/60 FPU and some fastmem. -credits-------------------------------------^^^^ AMIGA CODE & ADDITIONAL TEXTURE GRAPHICS .... o s t y l .... MUSIC .... s l i c e / i l l o g i k .... GRAPHICS .... d e e m p h a s i s of u k o n x .... .... o s t y l .... -pro-blems ?---------------------------------^^^^ This demo has been coded on my Blizz A1240/PPC under the AmigaOS 3.0 For any bugs repport contact me on internet: ostyl@hotmail.com .thanks. -regards to----------------------------------^^^^ .ALL IN UKONX. .ALL IN PURE. .JEFF&LINDA. .MY SISTER. .SCARFACE. .LUCIS MAGIA. .THE ORANGE JUICE TEAM. .all my friends in 'La Rochelle'. -the last delirium---------------------------^^^^ enjoy the show, coz it was a funckin' hardwork... -> it took me 6 full-month of asm coding -> several brain-troubles -> i destroyed one keyboard -> i burned one PowerPC -> problems with the neightboors -> i had to read the PowerPC env-coding-manual -> i tried 3 times to shoot me